5 ways to share ‘Year of Small Things’

5 ways to share ‘Year of Small Things’

The Year of Small Things: Radical Faith for the Rest of Us releases in 25-ish days, friends, not that we’re counting. Sarah and I are so grateful for all the posts, shares, likes, and tweets about the book so far. Your words are helping us create a conversation about a topic that many don’t know about. Good work!

Here are a few ways to crank up the buzz machine even more:

  1. Share, share, share: Take a pic of you and the book (or the book and your coffee, your dog, whatever!) and share it wherever you are online. Facebook. YouTube. Twitter. Instagram. Snapchat (though Erin will never see it). Tumblr. Your blog. My blog. Your mom’s blog. AAAAND: use the hashtag #yearofsmallthings! Every time you use #yearofsmallthings, good things happen. Maybe it even saves dolphins. (I’ll get our research team on that.)
    This selfie by @alicefugate is simply the best.


  2. Speaking of photos, don’t forget about the Year of Small Things photo challenge this month! Daily theme ideas can be found here — or create your own. Post just one pic or one a day. Just use … yes, #yearofsmallthings

    Sam, washing our hands after we go potty is one habit we won’t negotiate.


  3. Goodreads people, you are my people: Post a review of the book on Goodreads.com, give it some stars, recommend it to a friend — the world is your oyster, friends. (If you’re not yet on Goodreads, sign up here. I’m a huge fan.)
  4. Put it on your Amazon wish list, then ask 37* of your friends to do it, too. (*Randomly selected number.) Better yet, preorder it (or ask those 37 friends to) and then use your receipt to nab yourself a free downloadable companion calendar!

    I am preordering my own book to get a calendar. Isn’t it gorgeous?!
  5. If you’ve got a blog, give us a review or ask for an email interview. If you’re not excited about writing, use our words instead (legally) by sharing more of these wherever you are online:

    Thank you for generating conversations around these topics!